The docs in this section are rather intricate and technical, and they focus mainly on how Ana works as opposed to how to set-up TextQL or work with Ana. TextQL users without technical knowledge should feel free to skip this section, as the information here won’t contribute to a better usage experience.

This page documents all error messages you might encounter while using TextQL chat, along with explanations and suggested solutions.

1XX - Expected Errors

These errors occur during normal operation and usually indicate temporary conditions.

101AT_CAPACITYSystem is currently at maximum capacity.Please try again in a few minutes.
103SANDBOX_GONEThis chat session has expired.Start a new chat session.
104PREVIOUS_ERRORChat is locked due to a previous error.Start a new chat session.
105SANDBOX_OOMPython environment is out of memory.Try with a smaller dataset.

2XX - Unexpected Errors

These errors indicate unexpected conditions that require attention.

201UNKNOWNAn unexpected error occurred.Try again or contact support if the issue persists.
202UNEXPECTEDAn unexpected error occurred.Try again or contact support if the issue persists.
203INVALID_STATEChat is in an invalid state.Start a new chat session.
205YOU_ARE_OFFLINENo internet connection detected.Check your internet connection and try again.
206FE_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUTLost connection to TextQL.Check your connection and try again.
207MISSING_RECENT_DFSRecent data frames are unavailable.Try again or contact support if the issue persists.
208SANDBOX_ERRORPython environment error occurred.Try again or contact support if the issue persists.
209TIMEOUTRequest timed out.Try again or contact support if the issue persists.

3XX - System Reliability Errors

System Components (31X)

312SANDBOX_UNAVAILABLEPython environment is offline.Try again in a few minutes.
314ONTOLOGY_UNAVAILABLEOntology service is offline.Try again in a few minutes.

Third-Party Dependencies (32X)

321LLM_PROVIDER_UNAVAILABLELanguage model service is unavailable.Try again in a few minutes.