The Connectors Page
The Connectors Page is where technical users can manage the data-sources availible to Ana.
TextQL Connectors Page
The Connectors Page facilitates
- Adding new connectors,
- Previewing tables and assets previously connected to TextQL, and
- Resyncing connectors after schema drift.
To get the to Connectors Page, visit Settings > Configuration > Connector Settings. Only the administrators of your TextQL Organization have access these settings.
Navigating to the Connectors Page — Only available to organization administrators
Adding New Connectors
To add an additional connector for your organization, first, navigate to the Connectors Page and select Create New Connector. Then select your desired data source from the form that appears.
Click 'Create New Connector' and select your desired data source
Selecting a data source will open a form for inputing the credentials for your account.
This form should be intuitive to anyone who has previously set up warehouse connectors with other BI tools. For individualized instructions on the different connector types and forms, please refer to the sections
- Connecting Tableau to TextQL
- Connecting Redshift to TextQL (Docs in developement)
- Connecting Snowflake to TextQL (Docs in developement)
- Connecting BigQuery to TextQL (Docs in developement)
Form for adding a Redshift connector—please refer to individualized instructions for setup of the different connector types