API Docs

For a better understanding of fundamental concepts, we recommend reading the “About TextQL” section as well.

All endpoints required Basic HTTP authentication. Refer to the environment variables for values:

Authorization: Basic base64Encode(<DEFAULT_MEMBER_ID>:<DEFAULT_API_KEY>)

GET /api/ana

The Ana API allows you to send queries to Ana, your team’s personal data scientist. Ana uses various tools to fetch data from connected sources and provide data-driven insights.

Request parameters

datasetstringOptionalThe dataset to use for the query. If not provided, Ana will try to infer the appropriate dataset based on the query.
useOntologybooleanOptionalWhether to use the Ontology tool to query the data warehouse. Defaults to false.
ontologyConnectorIdintegerRequired if useOntology is trueThe ID of the data warehouse connector to use for the Ontology query. You can create a connector using the Ontology Connector API.
cliffordbooleanOptionalWhether to use the Clifford system for fetching datasets. Defaults to false.
querystringRequiredThe query to send to Ana. This should be URI-encoded.


The response is a text/event-stream of JSON-encoded objects representing the steps Ana takes to answer the query. On the front-end, we recommend using EventSource’s named events for event handing.

Each object in the stream represents a “block” - a unit of work or output from Ana. Blocks are streamed in order, and have a unique id field.

As Ana works on a block, it may stream updated versions of the same block id with more content. Once Ana moves on to a new block id, you can consider the previous block complete.

Example response:

event: chatId
data: "nahar-alpha-cd66081b89c5cd9b0c"

event: userMsgId
data: 33893

event: assistantMsgId
data: 33894

event: block
data: {"tag":"TextBlock","contents":"The largest store is located in","id":"abc123"}

event: block 
data: {"tag":"TextBlock","contents":"The largest store is located in New York.","id":"abc123"}

event: block
data: {"tag":"PythonBlock","contents":"import pandas as pd\n\ndf = pd.read_csv('stores.csv')\nprint(df)","id":"def456"}

event: block
data: {"tag":"PythonBlock","contents":"import pandas as pd\n\ndf = pd.read_csv('stores.csv') \nprint(df)\n\nlargest_store = df.sort_values('sq_footage', ascending=False).head(1)\nprint(f\"The largest store is in {largest_store['city'].values[0]}\")", "results":[{"tag":"TextResult","contents":"  store_id        city  sq_footage\n0   ST1234    New York      150000\n1   ST5678  Los Angeles      145000\n2   ST3456     Chicago      135000\nThe largest store is located in New York."}], "id":"def456"}

event: message
data: "done"

Block types


Represents a piece of text output, such as an intermediate step in reasoning or a final answer.

tagstringAlways "TextBlock".
contentsstringThe text content of the block.
idstringA unique identifier for this block.

Sure, let’s break out the result object into its own table. Here’s the updated documentation:


Represents Ana using the Ontology tool to query a connected data warehouse.

tagstringAlways "OntologyBlock".
idstringA unique identifier for this block.
contentsobjectDetails about the Ontology query. Contains fields:
- query: The natural language query.
- result: Object with details of query execution (see Result table below).
tool_call_idstringUnique identifier for this ontology query.


Details about the execution of an Ontology query.

completebooleanIndicates if the query execution is finished.
connectorIdintegerID of the data warehouse connector used.
queryClassificationobjectWhether the query was classified as an object or metric.
userPromptstringThe original user query.
segmentationobjectInformation about the segmentation of the query.
objectobjectRepresents the main object of the query.
groupingsStartedarrayList of initial grouping details.
groupingsFoundarrayList of final grouping details.
metricsQueryobjectRepresents metrics identified in the query.
selectedAttributesarrayList of attributes used in the query.
ordersStartedarrayList of initial ordering details.
ordersFoundarrayList of final ordering details.
directionFoundstringSorting direction, either “asc” or “desc”.
sqlQuerystringThe generated SQL query.
sqlResultobjectThe results of the SQL query execution.
previewobjectPreview of the loaded data.
oai_outputstringMessage for the user about the data loaded.


  "tag": "OntologyBlock",
  "id": "e0c4b91b-950a-48cc-a5e1-9d55753bf4d9", 
  "contents": {
    "query": "Stores ordered by size descending",
    "result": {
      "complete": true,
      "connectorId": 9,
      "queryClassification": { "classification": "object" },
      "userPrompt": "Stores ordered by size descending",
      "segmentation": {
        "output": {
          "filters": [],
          "groupings": [
            "size descending"
          "metrics": [],
          "order": [
            "size descending"
      "object": {         
        "reason": "The question asks to order stores by size descending, so the 'Store' object is the relevant object to group and order by.",
        "selectedFromGroup": "Stores ordered by size descending",
        "selectedObject": {
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8",
          "innerUVal": {
            "backingQuery": null,
            "backingTable": {
              "schema": "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA",
              "table": "TPCDS_SF100TCL.STORE"
            "graphProperties": {
              "color": null,
              "icon": null,
              "position": {
                "x": -1,
                "y": -1
            "interestingAttributes": [],
            "objectDescription": "",
            "objectName": "Store",
            "primaryKeyAttribute": {
              "attributeRef": "Store.S_STORE_ID"
            "titleAttribute": {
              "attributeRef": "Store.S_STORE_NAME"
      "groupingsStarted": [
        "size descending"
      "groupingsFound": [
          "grouping": "S_STORE_SK"
          "grouping": "S_FLOOR_SPACE"
      "metricsQuery": {
        "metrics": [],
        "dimensions": [
        "filters": [],
        "order": [
        "direction": "desc",
        "prompt": "Stores ordered by size descending",
        "unparsedText": "Stores ordered by size descending"
      "selectedAttributes": [
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "big.S_STORE_ID",
          "innerUVal": {
            "attributeName": "S_STORE_ID",
            "attributeObject": {
              "objectRef": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8"
            "attributeType": "TextType",
            "attributeDescription": "",
            "attributeIsInherent": true,
            "attributeData": {
              "tag": "UnlinkedAttribute",
              "contents": {
                "columnName": "S_STORE_ID"
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "big.S_REC_START_DATE",
          "innerUVal": {
            "attributeName": "S_REC_START_DATE",
            "attributeObject": {
              "objectRef": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8"
            "attributeType": "DateTime",
            "attributeDescription": "",
            "attributeIsInherent": true,
            "attributeData": {
              "tag": "UnlinkedAttribute",
              "contents": {
                "columnName": "S_REC_START_DATE"
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "big.S_REC_END_DATE",
          "innerUVal": {
            "attributeName": "S_REC_END_DATE",
            "attributeObject": {
              "objectRef": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8"
            "attributeType": "TextType",
            "attributeDescription": "",
            "attributeIsInherent": true,
            "attributeData": {
              "tag": "UnlinkedAttribute",
              "contents": {
                "columnName": "S_REC_END_DATE"
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "big.S_CLOSED_DATE_SK",
          "innerUVal": {
            "attributeName": "S_CLOSED_DATE_SK",
            "attributeObject": {
              "objectRef": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8"
            "attributeType": "NumberType",
            "attributeDescription": "",
            "attributeIsInherent": true,
            "attributeData": {
              "tag": "UnlinkedAttribute",
              "contents": {
                "columnName": "S_CLOSED_DATE_SK"
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "big.S_STORE_NAME",
          "innerUVal": {
            "attributeName": "S_STORE_NAME",
            "attributeObject": {
              "objectRef": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8"
            "attributeType": "TextType",
            "attributeDescription": "",
            "attributeIsInherent": true,
            "attributeData": {
              "tag": "UnlinkedAttribute",
              "contents": {
                "columnName": "S_STORE_NAME"
          "innerOrgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
          "innerUUID": "big.S_NUMBER_EMPLOYEES",
          "innerUVal": {
            "attributeName": "S_NUMBER_EMPLOYEES",
            "attributeObject": {
              "objectRef": "7vf5ce7rdnngwm1nyftj8"
            "attributeType": "NumberType",
            "attributeDescription": "",
            "attributeIsInherent": true,
            "attributeData": {
              "tag": "UnlinkedAttribute",
              "contents": {
                "columnName": "S_NUMBER_EMPLOYEES"
      "ordersStarted": [
          "order": "size descending"
      "ordersFound": [
        "order": {
          "direction": "desc",
          "measure": "S_FLOOR_SPACE"
        "unparsedText": "size descending"
      "directionFound": "desc",
      "sqlQuery": "...",
      "sqlResult": {
        "result": {
          "colNames": [
          "colTypes": [
          "resultVals": [
      "preview": { 
        "result": { /* ... */},
      "oai_output": "Data from object Store loaded into DataFrame df1 ..."
  "tool_call_id": "call_a195c002-0869-4c30-8d14-5c0fccf26967"


Python code execution for data analysis.

tagstringAlways "PythonBlock".
contentsstringThe Python code being executed.
resultsarrayThe results of executing the Python code. Each result is an object with a tag field indicating its type ("TextResult" for plain text output, or "ImageUrlResult" for a generated image). Only present when code execution is complete.
idstringA unique identifier for this block.

Handling block updates

As Ana works on answering a query, it will stream updated blocks with the same id as it makes progress. Your application is responsible for replacing any prior blocks with the same id with the latest streamed version of that block.

For example, you may receive a TextBlock that represents Ana’s current draft of the answer. As Ana continues working, you will receive TextBlocks with the same id but expanded contents as Ana builds out the answer. You should replace the prior block contents with the new expanded version.

Error handling

If an error occurs, an ErrorBlock will be streamed with details about the error. Your application should handle this gracefully and display an appropriate message to the user.

event: block
data: {"tag":"ErrorBlock","contents":"An error occurred fetching the requested dataset."}

GET /api/ana/chat/summary

Here’s the documentation for the /api/ana/chat/summary endpoint, written in the style of Stripe API docs:

Chat Summary

Retrieve a summary of all chats, including titles and timestamps of the last user message in each chat.

GET /api/ana/chat/summary


Returns an array of chat summary objects.

Chat Summary Object

innerIdstringUnique identifier for the chat.
innerValobjectContains the chat summary details.
innerVal.idstringUnique identifier for the chat (same as innerId).
innerVal.orgIdstringID of the organization the chat belongs to.
innerVal.enginestringJSON string representing the chat engine configuration.
innerVal.summarystringA brief summary or title of the chat.
innerVal.lastUserMessageobjectDetails about the last user message in the chat.
innerVal.lastUserMessage.timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of when the last user message was sent.

Example Request

curl https://app.textql.com/api/ana/chat/summary \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_api_key}"

Example Response

    "innerId": "guild-navigator-anomaly-5c758e4ccce190a10a",
    "innerVal": {
      "id": "guild-navigator-anomaly-5c758e4ccce190a10a",
      "orgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
      "engine": "{}",
      "summary": "Gabriel searches for the largest store in Virginia",
      "lastUserMessage": {
        "timestamp": "2024-03-25T04:00:49.116Z"
    "innerId": "chani-eclipse-53cf2b4b9afdee22aa",
    "innerVal": {
      "id": "chani-eclipse-53cf2b4b9afdee22aa",
      "orgId": "organization-test-1526533d-fc7e-4b44-9ec9-5f40ba8ee0d2",
      "engine": "{}",
      "summary": "Analyzing sales data for Q2 2023",
      "lastUserMessage": {
        "timestamp": "2024-03-24T15:30:12.842Z"

This endpoint returns an array of chat summary objects. Each object contains an innerId field, which is a unique identifier for the chat, and an innerVal field, which contains the details of the chat summary.

GET /api/ana/:chat_id

Retrieve the messages of a specific chat, given its unique identifier.

Path Parameters

chatIdstringThe unique identifier of the chat to retrieve messages from.


Returns an array of arrays, where each inner array represents a message in the chat, consisting of blocks. Each block is an object with an innerId and innerVal field – the format matches GET /api/ana.

Message Object

innerIdintegerUnique identifier for the message within the chat.
innerValobjectContains the message details.

Message Details Object

authorobjectDetails about the author of the message.
chatIdstringThe unique identifier of the chat the message belongs to.
timestampstringISO 8601 timestamp of when the message was sent.
bodyarrayAn array of message blocks (see below).
messageIdxintegerThe index of the message within the chat.

Author Object

tagstringThe type of the author, either “User” or “Assistant”.
namestring(Optional) The name of the user, if the author is a user.
contentsstring(Optional) The unique identifier of the user, if the author is a user.

Message Block Object

idstringUnique identifier for the message block.
tagstringThe type of the message block (e.g., “TextBlock”).
contentsstringThe contents of the message block.

Example Request

curl https://app.textql.com/api/ana/guild-navigator-anomaly-5c758e4ccce190a10a \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_api_key}"

Example Response

      "innerId": 33759,
      "innerVal": {
        "author": {
          "tag": "User",
          "name": "Spencer Hubert",
          "contents": "member-test-ad799459-d366-4fcc-94a5-d9ded9aa5462"
        "chatId": "guild-navigator-anomaly-5c758e4ccce190a10a",
        "timestamp": "2024-03-25T04:00:28.176Z",
        "body": [
            "tag": "TextBlock",
            "contents": "hi",
            "id": "b6c91631-2e14-47ad-b81d-99437aae4026"
        "messageIdx": 0
      "innerId": 33760,
      "innerVal": {
        "author": {
          "tag": "Assistant"
        "chatId": "guild-navigator-anomaly-5c758e4ccce190a10a",
        "timestamp": "2024-03-25T04:00:28.176Z",
        "body": [
            "id": "6cd2f3ed-c543-4196-85a7-cfcd399dacd5",
            "tag": "TextBlock",
            "contents": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"
        "messageIdx": 1
      "innerId": 33761,
      "innerVal": {
        "author": {
          "tag": "User",
          "name": "Spencer Hubert",
          "contents": "member-test-ad799459-d366-4fcc-94a5-d9ded9aa5462"  
        "chatId": "guild-navigator-anomaly-5c758e4ccce190a10a",
        "timestamp": "2024-03-25T04:00:49.116Z",
        "body": [
            "tag": "TextBlock",
            "contents": "filter this column where the weight of the person is more than 150",
            "id": "04b14642-c31c-4456-b552-3a79a4d9ca74"
        "messageIdx": 2